Thursday, July 30, 2009

Goodbye Clutter

If you have not used it in a year...
throw it out or donate it or even sell it on E-bay!

A house with less stuff will feel bigger!

This Means:

No more nic-nacks.

No more candles.

No more stuffed animals.

No more glass figurines.

You get the picture.


Floating furniture

Floating furniture is furniture you can see under. For instance, a couch on legs that actually show, as opposed to a couch with a skirt that goes to the floor. This makes your house look a lot bigger.


Large pieces of art make your house look much bigger then a bunch of small pieces scattered around your house. Get rid of your pieces of art so that you have just enough and don't over do it or you will end up with a cluttered look. (Which is very bad and makes your house look messy and much smaller.)


Think vertically!

This may seem like an obvious solution, but many people forget how much vertical space they have on their walls. This should be taken advantage of! Layered shelves help utilize wall space, and will also create an organized modern look.

Keep bugs out of your house!

If your house is full of bugs then it is going to feel a lot smaller! and I mean it, a lot smaller!

Did you know that at any time, it is estimated that there are some 10 quintillion (10,000,000,000,000,000,000) individual insects alive.

That is a lot of bugs! Who wants all of that space used up by bugs! Not me for sure!

Go here in order to learn how to keep the bugs out!

If you can't buy a new house, then buy a mirror

Mirrors are cool! They reflect things, they would also help detect if you had any vampires in your house! (A very needed added bonus!)

Mirrors help your house feel spacious!

Even a picture of a mirror can help your house feel more spacious. (I'm not sure if a picture of a picture of a mirror works though?) I think looking at this blog post makes my house feel more spacious! Give it a try!

Buy a bigger house!

If your house seems too small, the quickest way to make it feel bigger is to purchase a larger dwelling place!